Martin Stancsics

Blümlisalpstrasse 10
8006 Zürich
Hi! I am Martin, a PhD candidate at the University of Zürich. I like industrial organization, behavioral economics, natural language processing, data visualization, and dogs.
I enjoy tinkering with stuff until I figure out how it works. In a sense, that is my day job, as well. I believe in an interdisciplinary approach to both research and general problem-solving. I enjoy discussing ideas and problems with others, and I also enjoy teaching those few things in which I am confident of my knowledge.
Just email me if you would like to talk to me about something. Or if you would like to send me funny dog gifs. I appreciate those, too.
Oct 16, 2024 | I’ve succesfully defended my PhD thesis! 🎓 I’m grateful to my supervisors and everyone who supported me on this journey. You can find my dissertation and defense presentation here. |
Sep 1, 2024 | I’m back to QuantCo, but this time as a full-time data scientist! I’m looking forward to working on super cool projects, such as █████████ and █████████████. 🚀 |
May 20, 2023 | I’m very excited to join QuantCo for this summer! 🎉 I will have the opportunity to work on their amazing open source packages and all kinds of other interesting projects. 🚀 |
Oct 7, 2022 | My new homepage is online! 🎊 The old blog has been migrated here, too. |